"Venice of Africa II" The story of Makoko part 2 Back in the 18th century , Makoko used to be a small fishing village before it grew into the sprawling one-square-kilometre urban settlement. There are no official census records, but estimates suggest the population totals 150,000 souls. Many of Makoko's inhabitants are from neighbouring Benin and Togo - most have lived here for decades. An average of eight people live in each house, and sustain themselves on fishing or collecting wood from the lagoon.
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Title: Behind the Scenes I believe in politics, behind every corrupt practice, there is an unseen scene.. behind every bribe, there is an unseen scene... The scenes of a selfish act.. In the above scene, MONEY seems POWER, SELF INTEREST overrides INTEREST OF THE COMMON GOOD, where integrity is compromised. Here is a scenario - VOTE BUYING The despicable practice of vote buying in which voters cunningly allows party agents to know which parties they voted for is so rampant such that the outcome of the entire process does not necessarily reflect the true genuine democratic choices of the people. Indeed, the level of electoral manipulation is so brazen, the desperation to win so palpable, that voters go behind voting venues, in some cases to buildings outside the voting area, to collect bribe from party agents. Also, there are usually sporadic shootings, ballot box snatching, driving away of some party agents, together with oppression, intimidation, and undue influence on voters while v...
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Title: "The Sync Factor" Medium: Graphite pencils and charcoal pencils on paper Partnership involves two or more individuals, investors, shareholders, or suppliers who agreed to share the responsibilities, gains, funding and liability of a business. Most Nigeria business men and women are having hard times creating collaborative engagements that can strengthen the future of their businesses. Why? This is because most business partnerships are negotiated through third-party involvements, legal business structuring and formatted partnership agreements that entrepreneurs ordinarily find difficult to understand and implement. Having and working with investment partners that will not take advantage of you and your business can go a long way to boost the business, minimize cost and procedures..
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Completed! Title: Venice of Africa Charcoal pencils and graphite pencils on fine linen ( 2 * 2 ft) A story of Makoko, the pain of Lagos, Nigeria. Firstly lets not get carried away with the title “Venice of Africa”, and if you are like me then the thought of Venice should conjures up images of beauty, art, and architecture, and definitely not a slum. The only attributes they both have in common is that they were both built and float on water, and are home to a population well into the 200,000 mark. Makoko in Lagos is a slum neighborhood above the Lagos Lagoon. It has been around for along time dating back to the 18th century, and at that time it was a fishing village. Makoko is really one of the many sad stories of Lagos, it is seen and not seen all in one glance, an invisible community that many are actually unaware of. It is an extremely poor area, and as can be expected with poverty comes a whole range of social issues, making Makoko a no go area in the mind of the average...
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The Guardianship - "In His palms" Charcoal pencils on cardboard There are not many relationships more sacred than that between a father and his child.. He chastens his child, and shows that child what the real world is.. but never forgetting the fact that the father still embraces his child with strong warmth even when the child errs amidst in any circumstance, he would still be that guardian angel to the child even in time of troubles. In challenging situations, the child seeks advice, guidance, and refuge from the father.. Same is our relationship with our heavenly Father, our Creator, God Himself.